Wednesday, February 28, 2007


The pictures are just a snapshot of the people who were there. The pictures with the family are missing Toni's oldest, Chason but do reflect nicely those who were in attendance. Special thanks goes out to the photographers who did such a nice job. I will continue to post pictures as I have time. For now, I hope you enjoy.


As promised.....PICTURES!!!

Friday, February 2, 2007


Well, for those of you that have been following along. Today I work a full day, come home, change, and go straight to the airport. Many hours of phone calls, thousands of text's hard to believe that by mid next week we'll be off on our own adventure TOGETHER!!!

It's hard to describe the feelings I have inside....except to say that even though we're all experiencing a nervous/excitement the one thing that's for sure is this....I Love Toni, Tell, Colton, Chase, and Timmy with all my heart. I am so looking forward to building a life together. I feel like the luckiest guy on the earth today!

Thank you all for your support. We'll see you next week!

Love, Tim